Step 1: Check Freshdesk
- Booking ID has an existing ticket with the same concern > Skip Step 2 and proceed to Step 3.
- There is already an existing ticket being handled by a another specialization higher than yours > Skip Step 2 and proceed to Step 3.
- Booking ID has an existing resolved ticket with your same specialization > Proceed to Step 2
- No Existing ticket (New concern) > Proceed to Step 2
Step 2: Check Admin Portal: Travel dates, Booking status, Client and Supplier name, Rate type, and Activities
Step 3: Acknowledge / assign / merge / work on the ticket depending on what action is needed to be done after checking step 1 and 2
Take note of the additional info to check on Admin Portal when doing step 2: Activities.
This is to know the updates that has happened on the booking.
e.g., Original booking dzjzq52k
Supplier: Youtravel
Rebooked to dov2o5v4
New Supplier: Travelbullz
GEN CS / CSS POV: If the client sent a request for booking dzjzq52k and you noticed on activities that this booking has been rebooked to dov2o5v4, the case is for RMS already, thus you need to ASSIGN the ticket to your RMS partner.
RMS POV: If the client sent a request for booking dzjzq52k and you noticed on activities that this booking has been rebooked to dov2o5v4, you must now refer to booking dov2o5v4 and send the request to supplier Travelbullz.